
newspaper clipping

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newspaper clipping为短语/超纲词汇
1. Because the tree was mentioned in a newspaper, the number of visitors to Frinley has now increased.

2. But he´s not reading his newspaper tonight.

3. The articles in this newspaper are full of cliche.

4. The newspaper published a condensation of the President´s speech.

5. Two days later, I read about Mrs. Clark in the newspaper.

6. This type of technology evolves out of convenience, says Evan Hendricks (伊万·亨德里克斯), editor of the Privacy Times (《私密时代》) newspaper, but "the dark side is that landlords, employers, and insurance companies could say we won't do business with you
    《私密时代》报纸编辑伊万·亨德里克斯说,为方便起见产生了这门技术,但是,"其不便之处就是房东、雇主或保险公司等会说,我们不会与你谈正事的, 除非你出示该卡。"

7. He got a job as an editor of a newspaper.

8. During these tests she was able to read a newspaper through an opaque screen and,

9. ´No newspaper men, no limelight! Why don´t we come more often?´

10. A recent article in a weekly newspaper, for instance, was headed with a striking illustration of a lady in a state of considerable distress,
